
Professions in Nigeria

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The term “profession” means any vocation or business, it could also mean an occupation which requires some specialized training or study for a purpose of providing skilled services and guidance for a definite fee or remuneration. A profession could be said to be a calling and requires acquisition of a fond knowledge, range skills and their application in service of humanity. A profession can be practiced independently, or within an institution, or both.

Common Characteristics of a Profession:

1. A profession is one which demands possession of a body of specialized knowledge and extended practical training.

2. A profession renders an essential social science.

3. It requires continuous service training of its members.

4. It sets up its own professional organization.

5. A profession has its own truth and loyalty

6. A profession has transparency of work.

7. A profession gives instantaneous result.

8. A profession assures its members a professional career.

9. A profession involves codes and ethics.

10. A profession has a clearly defined membership of a particular group with a view to safe-guarding the interest of the profession.

What Makes you a Professional

Being a professional implies that you have these qualities:

  • A code of ethics that you work within
  • A Continuing Professional Development ( CPD).
  • A vocation that requires the knowledge of some science
  • Undergone the required training credentials for entry and career mobility.
  • A representative professional organization
  • A common body of knowledge
  • Bench marked performance standard.

Being a professional in your chosen field means more than just wearing a coat and tie, or possessing a college degree and a noted title. Professionalism also has to do with how you conduct yourself during your business affairs. True professionals possess a number of other characteristics that applies to virtually any type of business.


A professional is always neat in appearance. Be sure to always appear neat in any organization as your appearance speaks a lot about you, and it makes you a better representative of your organization.


Professionals such as Doctors, Lawyers, and Public accountants must adhere to a strict code of ethics. Even if your organization does not have a written code, you should display ethical behaviors at all times.

Phone Etiquette

Phone etiquette is also another important behavior you must maintain. This means identifying yourself by your full name, company and title when you place a call. Be sure not to dominate the conversation and listen intently to the other party.

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Maintaining Your Poise

A professional must maintain his poise even with a challenging situation. For instance, a colleague or customer treats you in a manner that is not nice and acceptable, try to be cool and do not resort to the same behavior.

Written Correspondence

During written correspondence, try to keep your writings brief and straight to point. Your tone should be formal and polite without being stuffy. This also applies to email correspondence.


Professionals are accountable for their actions at all times. If you make a mistake, own up to and try to fix it if possible. Avoid shifting blames to another person. If your company made the mistake, take responsibility and work to resolve the situation.

Organizational Skills

Professionals can easily find what the problem, the solutions and what is needed. Your work area should be neat and organized, and your briefcase should contain only what is needed for your appointment or presentation.

As a professional you are valued for your ethical behavior, and sound judgement. However, there may be times when your professionalism could be tested. Such situations may arise when there is;

  • Pressure from having much task and having to meet deadlines or performance goals
  • A misunderstanding, or belief that the action is not really illegal or unethical.
  • Lack of resources, human or otherwise.
  • A misunderstanding, or belief that it is in the individual or organisations interest.
  • Pressure to produce and get the job done
  • A fear of those in authority.

List of Professions in Nigeria

Actor/Actress, Aerospace Engineer, Agriculturist, Air Traffic Controller, Anthropologist, Appraiser, Archaeologist, Architect, Astronomer, Athlete/sports, Audiologist, Baker, Banker, Barber, Biochemist, Biologist, Biomedical Engineer, Blacksmith, Bookkeeper, Broadcast Technician, Cabinet maker, Carver, Chef, Chemical Engineer, Chemist, Civil Engineer,Computer Hardware Engineer, Computer operator, Medical Doctor, Nurses, Teachers, Lawyers, Computer Programmer, Computer system Analyst, Computer scientist, Conference and Event Planners, Conservator, Contractor, Creative writer, Dental Hygienist, Dentist, Director, Editor, Electrical and Electronics Engineer, Petroleum Engineer, Employment Counselor, Fashion Designer, Finance, Firelighter. To mention but few.

Top Profession Paying Jobs

There are top paying jobs of which those who posses suitable skills tend to earn more than others. Therefore, it is important for you to get the right orientation before choosing a course if you want to make it big in life. There are some high paying jobs in the society and it will be totally useless to for you to waste much time in the university over a course that is not lucrative. Find below the high paying jobs in Nigeria, listed not in any particular order

  • Healthcare

In Nigeria, the respect that comes with being a medical doctor can never be underestimated. Irrespective of their area of specialization, medical doctors will always be considered to be hot cakes as they are well paid along side the security that comes with the job.

  • Lawyers

For so many reasons Nigerian parents have certain professions they want their wards to focus on. This is because they know the stability that comes with jobs like that . For instance a lawyer wont be scared of anyone nor easily intimidated as they are trained to know the laws, their obligations and their rights.

  • Petroleum Engineering

Anyone who works offshore or onshore as an engineer for a petroleum company is sure to earn a huge salary. it is one job people should not border asking what the minimum salary is because it will surpass their expectations and leave them either depressed or excited.

  • Airline Operation

Being a pilot in Nigeria is no joke. The skill Personnel who fly the planes get paid heavily in addition to the boosted self esteem they have every time someone “ooohs” and “aaahs” about their profession.

  • Lecturing

Although many people have their opinions about this job, it still is one of the most stable jobs we have here. The pay is handsome and it comes with some benefits that propels self development. Apart from being well paid, the lecturers have time to do other businesses and grow their brands compared to other jobs.

  • Engineering


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There is a reason this job is separated from that of the petrochemical engineers. Although they are in the same field, their job requirements are different. Engineers are highly paid because they have access to the major projects that are being done. They bid for major contracts sponsored by the government and make a fortune from the projects.

  • Pastoring

Pastoring is another that brings a lot of money because Nigerians usually having problems which they want their pastors to pray about. Nigerians are willing to pay any amount of money to their pastors in as much as he keeps praying for them to experience miracles.

  • Consultancy and I .C .T

Being a consultant for a multinational company is a high paying job any Nigerian would jump at. Companies makes use of trained individuals who are skilled in certain areas to help boost the performances of their companies.

Professions you can practice without studying them as courses in the university


This profession is now flooded with workers who had graduated from courses not related to banking profession.Imagine someone who studied Hospitality or education Igbo in the university and now working in the bank. These sets of people only needed to be trained on some banking activities after they have been employed and there after they are good to go.

2. Teaching:

It is very possible in Nigeria for someone who never studied education or any course relating to education emerge as a teacher. Regardless of the course you studied. The point is teaching can still be practiced by any graduate even without having an N.C.E or Degree in Education.

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3. Photography:

Do you know that there is a course called photography? Tell me what are they studying in it? even people who have only primary certificate can do this job perfectly too.

4. Farming:

Agriculture is not needed to be studied as a course in the university before one can own a farm. Anybody can easily be trained in this profession. There are books and handouts that can train you on fishery, Snail rearing, Pig farming,or even cultivation of crops. You could also find adequate answers to any question on farming by going on “Google Search” online. Seminars on farming are also common where respective farmers are trained in farming. It can also be learned directly too from other farmers. This job can be practiced regardless of courses studied just like a former president of this country, who owns a mega farm settlement despite the fact he never went to university not to talk of studying agriculture as a course.

5. Drama/ Film making:

An actor was once asked what he studied in the university and he replied “Law” answer made us understand that anybody can become an actor, musician, or artiste, irrespective of the course he or she studied. You might have observed that hardly would you see any actor or musician in Nigeria who studied drama or music back in school. The funniest thing is that those people may even do better than the people who had studied it as a course.

6. Chemistry/ Industrial Chemistry:

Aliko Dangote as we all know never studied any of these courses but , today he is a proud owner of a multi-billion dollar company in Nigeria that has provided jobs to many Nigerians. The work performed in those industries can easily be learned from a specialist over a short period of time.

7. I.C.T Profession:

Some I.C.T companies are now making it big with training people on computing, web designing, programming and so on. The larger percentage of those attending such training and seminars are mostly computer illiterate,and which them become an expert and are given certificates for it.

8. Electrical Engineering:

most of the electricians who comes to peoples home to fix the wiring cables in your new home, or fix damage ones are mostly people with o’ level results. And this set of people would do this job properly to your amazement and leaves you wondering.

9. Mechanical Engineering:

This is even worst and more rampant. Many people who work as a “Radionic”, car mechanic, generator repairer and so on are mostly not graduate of this course.

10. Mass Communication:

Learning mass communication as a course in a tertiary institution is a tremendous waste of time. As a graduate of English language, Linguistics, Language or even any other course can still become a tv/radio presenter, newscaster, a program anchor even without having a certificate.